Water Storage Levels

Click a Water Supply Scheme (WSS) to access the available storage level reports (located on the left).
Click on the dam links to view the storage level information for that particular dam.

To view and download current and historical water information refer to the Bureau of Meteorology's Water Data Online.

To view the Queensland water storage summary refer to the Bureau of Meteorology's Water Information Dashboard.

Water Storage Levels Map tinaroofalls julius bjelkepetersen eungella boondooma fredhaigh paradise burdekinfalls callide kroombit kinchant coolmunda fairbairn teemburra peterfaust beardmore cania wuruma leslie BarkerBarambah BowenBrokenRivers Boyne Bundaberg BurdekinHaughton CallideValley Chinchilla Cunnamulla DawsonValley Eton LowerFitzroy MacintyreBrook Maranoa MareebaDimbulah Mary NogoaMackenzie PioneerRiver Proserpine StGeorge ThreeMoonCreek UpperBurnett UpperCondamine

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The capacity of Callide Dam has been temporarily decreased
from 216.1m AHD (136,300ML) to 215.5m AHD (129,038 ML)
Kinchant Dam's displayed current capacity is based on the Spillway Level.
When the current capacity reflects 100%, water is at the top of the spillway crest.

As per Eton Water Supply Scheme Resource Operations Licence, the dam is operated at reduced full supply levels.
From 1st December to 30th April: EL 57.21m AHD (62,800ML or 87%)
From 1st May to 30th November: EL 57.51m AHD (65,600ML or 91%)

ML = megalitre (one million litres)
mAHD = elevation in metres with respect to the Australian Height Datum

Please read Sunwater Terms and conditions before using this data.